How nice it is to be able to sit on a cushioned chair and really relax, knowing that you can stay there for as long as you would like to. How nice it is to be able to lay stretch on a relatively soft bed in a fairly well insulated room at night knowing that you won’t make anyone uncomfortable by your presence (like you would cramped onto the benches at the park as joggers and walkers try not to disturb you while feeling, at the same time, rightfully annoyed by you and your obvious homelessness (and the smell that likely accompanies you everywhere... and will likely even be left behind on the benches once you’ve left).
There is no escaping... The benches that are shielded from the wind by trees or brushes are also liable to get sprinkled on in the wee hours of the morning by the timed park sprinklers... Even the public restrooms are drafty (and usually stinky). You end up spending much of the night walking around just to keep warm. How nice it is to have access to cold and clean drinking water whenever you want it, to be able to eat your food without the unease of being watched by others or of having your napkins and utensils blown away by the wind.
Sometimes it really takes losing everything for one to realize the value of what one had. It is a struggle for them to just be comfortable... Not too hot and not too cold. Walking around downtown it is easy to be annoyed at reeking homeless folks sleeping on the sidewalks or on lawns... But what is minor annoyance to you is really endless hardship for them. I tried once and was on the verge of losing my mind by the 2nd evening. It is so uncomfortable!
Sleep is hard to come by during the cold nights (even in the summer months the night is cold enough to require warm clothes around the waterfront here). And during the day it is hard to find a place to crash without getting in the way of homed others... even in the park, the precious shades keep shifting with the sun. I don’t know how many homeless folks manage to stay sane for so long under their living conditions... After 2 experimental nights on the streets I was silently begging to be euthanized.
Yes,you are right,it´s so great to have a home...and a own bed...I´m really happy about that fact, very happy....Hope you will have a great week! Sunny greetings from germany, geisslein
Hallo Smorgy,
You gave a very apt description of what it means to be homeless. And it is equally true that it can happen to everyone, absolutely to any of us.
I have always be aware of this dismal fact and know that when only three or four personal conditions turn sour one might end up easily in the street.
Hallo Geisslein: And may you always have a good abode to go home to, mein lieber Freundin. :o) Thanks very much for stopping by. Hope Frankfurt is being nice this summer!
Hallo Georgy: Thanks a bunch, cher ami! :o) I was only out on the streets a few nights and found it rough going indeed. I thought I was pretty sympathetic of the homeless before, but it really took a first hand experience to really get just how endlessly uncomfortable they must be... at least at first. I hope it will never happen to you and any of my friends! :o)
Thanks very much for stopping by. Hope you're getting good wind to fly on in central France! :o)
Hello smorg, long time I didn't hear
from you personally and therefore I'm quite shocked, what did happen to you. It's really a shame that your National security is so bad, that people are forced to get homeless...and you've no other choice, because it's so difficult to get an other job. I really hope, that things will work out in a better way that they seem now.
You've my thoughts
Hallo Suspa!
Yup, I'm having a rather unintentionally adventurous summer indeed. :o) Will have many stories to write about now, I think. In a way, it's a blessing since I was just running out of idea of what to write before.
I really didn't realize how bad our social service is until now. It's amazing how, unlike the Europeans, we are taxed without having much to see for it. The homeless shelters here are run by private charities. They try hard, but there just isn't enough resources to go around and there are at least 200 sleeping on the streets of downtown every night.
Thanks very much for your thoughts and for stopping by! Hope summer is being good your way! :o) (will write a proper email soon).
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