Check it out. Her performance schedule makes me want to move to the more cultured continent (Europe)! The distinctly fascinating Bulgarian-Swiss mezzo is now in Madrid for Rossini's L'italiana in Algeri at Teatro Real which will be broadcast on Radio Clásica on November 10th. You haven't heard a truly feisty Isabella until you've heard Kasarova sing Pensa alla patria!
This title is in Spanish, why?? If you allow me, I can suggest you that La casa nuevA de Kasarova is a better one ;)
Hola Inma,
Ack. There goes my ineptitude in Spanish, matie. Thanks a bunch for the correction! :o) I was just in this silly rhyming mood this morning when I came up with the title. :o) Getting to prowl through VK's new site had me in a humming mood! ;o)
Thanks a bunch for stopping by. Hope your weekend has started well!
Smorgy :o)
November already...time flys!Just wanna wish you a great start in the new week Smorgy!Greetings from rainy and cold Germany!geisslein :o)
Bonjour Smorgy,
Just listening to Ms Kasarova while writing this. Thanks for discovering the music and making it available. You don't know how much you have upgraded my music culture.
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