It was a life-changing experience on many levels. I wasn't always a caring person and distinctly remember doing my best to avoid going to visit my incapacitated grandmother when I was a kid. She was on the plump side of obese and had diabetes-induced poor circulation. So when she broke her left tibia one rainy morning when I was 8, it just plain refused to heal and the poor woman just went downhill from there, spending the rest of her life confined in bed or in an ill-fit wheelchair.
To this day I am quite apt to admire the occasional young lads and lasses I meet who had, by the same age, developed a lot more empathy for others than I did. There are some wonderful people out there who were born with and never lose their caring and selfless nature. I can testify that some others have to consciously learn the trait... And I also know that there are some who never do at all.
I expected to find myself surrounded by old people at the nursing homes. I did, but there were many young and middle age folks there as well. The youngest patient I had to take care of was only 18 years old... and dying of AIDS. There were a few quadriplegics, a couple of locked-in's, and a pretty young woman who coded (went into cardiac arrest) 3 times during the year that I worked on her ward from a really bad case of Guillain-Barre syndrome. These folks convinced me that there indeed are living states that are worse than death.
So, regardless how how old (or young) you are and in what physical health you are in, do yourself a favor and discuss with your loved ones (and attorney) what you would like done for you should you have the ill luck to become permanently medically incapacitated (and there are many different conditions that fit that billing). Better yet, put it in writing as a living will with durable power of attorney for health care designation.
Anyhow, I recently read a not all that recent article in the New York Times about a program that places medical students intending on specializing in geriatric medicine at a nursing facility to play the role of patients for 2 weeks so that they can get a feel of what it is like to see things from that perspective. The page may require you to join the NYT's website (for free) in order to see the article. There is a video clip on it that is really worth seeing. It is easy to sit and pass judgment on others while holding to one's idealistic religious views about life and death when one is healthy and independent. Real life is often unexpectedly messier than one's own projection. As JRR Tolkien brilliantly captured in this snippet of conversation from Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring:
"'Faithless is he that says farewell when the road darkens,' said Gimli. 'Maybe,' said Elrond, 'but let him not vow to walk in the dark, who has not seen the nightfall.'"
A great post Smorgy. I do hope many people read this.
Hallo Georgy,
Thanks! :oD I hope so, too. Too many take their well being for granted and when a bad accident happen it really put more strain on the loved ones to have to face that decision. :o(
Thanks for stopping by! Hope you and E are well and having a great weekend. Spring is nearly here! :oD
hi mister Smorg and herr Georg
i've read your post before but i wasn't able to loggin to comment, yeah!! thank YOU mister Smorg for this important reminder, me, like you, been around sick people enough to realize how important is to secure one's future, my favorite aunt who lives in Autlan is a nurse, a overly caring woman, who goes out of her way to take care of patients even once they are out of the hospital, but sadly she's a not-common case, when i was a teenager i used to go to her hospital, a very rural and poor mexican small town hospital where i saw very sad cases... that thought me some lessons, but yet again, when you are young and/or healthy you feel indestructible but life is tricky and gives you some awful surprises... so thank YOU for this reminder!
wonderful to read you too mister Smorg, now to catch up with your happier posts on Opera ;) and see you on April 29th!! wish herr Georg could join us too for Beethoven, well, maybe one day, huh?
Thank you 'Berenice' for directing me to this post!
"There are some wonderful people out there who were born with and never lose their caring and selfless nature. I can testify that some others have to consciously learn the trait..." I am one of those who has had to learn it and unfortunately and sadly much too late...
Thanks Smorg for this informative post. I am sure there are many who would learn from what you have posted so I hope you will not mind if I link this post to my poem on aging titled
Hiya Bere & Id!
Thanks very much for stopping by and for kind words, too. :oD I'm really honored that you enjoy this post, too. I still wish I had learned empathy sooner than I did... but then it's a sort of lesson that sticks better when damages were done for it, ay? Hopefully many others will do better (and if this article helps that any, then it's really worth posting!)!
Hope your week has started well! It's been drizzly here this morning. Hope it dries up soon, though. I'm due on a golf course in a few hours covering a golf program. :oP
Smorgy :o)
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