I'm having a fabulously lazy Sunday recovering from yesterday's arduous and very hot 75 miles ride (it would have been so much more enjoyable had I not spent the first 55 miles going up and down the hills with a rubbing rear brake.
What sort of a dunce rides that long without noticing a mechanical issue??? It takes a smorg, I tell you!). Anyhow, have gone for a very easy going 30 minutes recovery ride, walked the dog, and am now settled down to recommence reading Herodotus' Histories and enjoy some really good music...

... courtesy of the amazing Marilyn Horne.
Why Herodotus? Not in a "How geeky!" way but in a "I myself need to bone up on Gk b/c Book 1 is sitting over there on my desk like Miss Havisham's banquet and isn't going away" way.
Happy chillin'
Hey Stray: Oh, I've been meaning to read that book for the longest time, part of it was to refresh on the many myths from that area that many of my favorite operas are based on. Just kept getting distracted by work and other stuff. Are you reading it for fun?
Hope summer is going well your way! I'm having a nice chill smorging on ice-cream after another good hilly ride. ;)
Taking Greek was for fun, but the uni would only give us one year. So the Herodotus is for the challenge. But, as you say, distracted by work and other stuff... I was hoping for a round of layoffs this year, but no such luck.
mmm, ice cream. Okay, off to the gym with me.
I think a bike ride like that would kill me.
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